Thursday, August 28, 2014

Twitter Users may able to know how many people see their tweets

at 6:36 AM  |  No comments

Now twitter users can now see how many times their tweets have been seen, and how other twitter users have to deal with the tweets, which is possible because of Twitter's analytics system.

Twitter announced the releases their statistics and analytics service to all twitter users last night. Front end engineer Ian Chan tweets:
"Absolutely thrilled to open up access to Twitter Analytics to EVERYONE""Check it out, and let us know what you think."
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The online dashboard will show and display the details about how many people have seen each tweet, as well as how many people clicked on it or deal with it in another way.

The graph found in the dashboard represents the monthly data. It shows which days monthly data usage was high, and which ones fell flat.

A separate tab in the dashboard displays the statistic surrounding followers. Also the number of followers is plotted over a two-year period, along with their sex, location, and interests.

For those twitter users who are interested in the new analytic service of Twitter then you can access the dashboard by clicking here.

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I am Jhefrey Sajot. I'm a enthusiast blogger and I love to write articles. I mainly write articles about Making money, Technology, Tips, and Internet.


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