Saturday, July 12, 2014

Far Cry 4 talks Pagan Min and Ajay Ghale

at 10:19 PM  |  1 comment

Far Cry 4 executive producer Dan Hay explains the two characters the villain Pagan Min and protagonist Ajay Ghale's ties to Kyrat.

Pagan Min had ruled the fictional Himalayan country for two decades when Far Cry begins. Hay explains and being the unquestioned ruler for such a long time has encouraged a few eccentricities.

Hay revealed in the interview that the autocrat doesn't just wear that distinctive hot pink suit for fashion statement:

"Pagan Min wears that suit as an homage to his mom. So when you're making fun of the suit, you're making fun of his mom. And I would not make fun of Pagan Min's mom."
Ghale's family ties him to the region as well, where his surname will be recognized by many of the characters he will be encountering. How the Ghale and Min families interacted before Far Cry 4 remains to be seen.

The Far Cry 4 release date is scheduled on November 18 in North America and November 21 in Europe on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

Posted by Unknown
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I am Jhefrey Sajot. I'm a enthusiast blogger and I love to write articles. I mainly write articles about Making money, Technology, Tips, and Internet.

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