Mostly of us loves to surf in the internet and visited our favorite and bookmark sites. Some of us forces themselves to visit the websites they want to visit even though the website is down. They will keep on refreshing and refreshing hoping the website will load but it won't load because the server is down.
There are ways to know if the site you are visiting is down or not.
First Method (Ping Method)
1. Go to Run and type "cmd"
2. After typing "cmd" you will see the CMD window and in the window type ping + the address of the website.
For Example: ping
Note: If you will see the reply caming from the site then the site is not down or offline
Second Method (DFEOJM Method)
1. First go to DownForEveryoneOrJustMe.
2. Input the website address you want to test like the image shown below:
3. After inputting the website address you want to test press "Enter" and it will give you the result whether the site is down for you or for everyone.