Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Make Money While Listening to Music

at 3:38 AM  |  No comments

Listen and Earn

Everyone of us is spending our vacant time or even not our free time listening to our favorite music and playlists. Some of us listen to music in order to take away our stress and to entertain ourselves. What if you could make money out of listening to music. The difference of this money making guide is that you write a review of a song that is played and listen to it. What website is offering that kind of money making platform? is the website I am referring to. Slicethepie isthe US. So this would be a sad news for those interested in this guide.
only available for those people who are living in

What is slicethepie

It’s a site that was created to give aspiring musicians a chance to have their music rated and reviewed. This can lead them to raising funds to create their first album. The fans (or ‘scouts’ as they are referred to) rate and write in depth reviews which enables them to earn money themselves.

The artists with the best rated tracks get to have those showcased where the Scouts get to choose which ones they would like to support.

In return for supporting the artists the Scouts will receive a range of benefits from:

  •  Free tracks 
  •  Merchandise 
  •  Free access to gigs 

How does it work?

Each artist submits three tracks and these are submitted to the various Scout Rooms depending on the type of music. The Scouts are randomly given tracks which they don’t know who the artist name is not the name of the track.Once they have reviewed that piece of music the name of the track and the artist is revealed.

This would seem to make the system of reviewing fairer because you can’t just vote on recommendations from your friends. Each music track has to have thirty separate reviews before their artist rating can be assessed. Only the top rated artists from each genre will be moved into the Showcase.

How do the Scouts earn money? 

Earnings are dependant on the rating a Scout achieves by writing quality reviews, and the overall rating that the 29 other reviewers give an Artist. The ratings range from 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. They mention there is an algorithm which calculates these factors rather than being done by a real person.

These are the rates per star rating:

  • 1 Star – $0.03 USD per track 
  • 2 Star – $0.06 USD per track 
  • 3 Stars – $0.09 USD per track
  • 4 Star – $0.12 USD per track 
  • 5 Star – $0.15 USD per track
Final Words

Your work is very easy all you have to do is to review and to review. Make sure you have used proper grammar and make your English perfect. Concentrate and listen carefully to the music played so that you can review perfectly and accurately.

Posted by Unknown
About the Author

I am Jhefrey Sajot. I'm a enthusiast blogger and I love to write articles. I mainly write articles about Making money, Technology, Tips, and Internet.


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